Save Money on your Heating Costs

????????????????????????????????????????Today, most homeowners are seeking ways to conserve energy and cut costs. Fortunately, reducing your energy usage and saving money on your monthly heating bill is possible with a geothermal heating and cooling system.

Geothermal 101

You may have heard the term geothermal, but are not familiar with the working mechanisms of the system. By utilizing the ground’s heat, you can heat and cool your home using less energy than a traditional heat pump. Of course, installing a geothermal system is complicated since a series of pipes must be placed underground.

Known as the ground heat exchanger, these pipes connect an underground unit with a heat pump inside your home. During the colder months of the year, the ground heat exchanger transports heated water that has been absorbed from the ground’s continual temperature. Then, it moves into the home. To use your air conditioning for cooler air, the entire process is reversed to move cooler air indoors.


Obviously, geothermal heating and cooling is an energy efficient option for your home. However, it is important to weigh out the pros and cons of the system. For most homeowners, the largest issue with the system is the installation cost. Due to the underground unit and pipes, Heat repair Chicago recommends installing the system into your new construction home. Fortunately, geothermal can be an option for your existing home, as well, if you want to invest.

Conserving energy is a large part of many people’s lives. However, most do not know where to get started. To save a large amount of money this winter, consider a geothermal heating system for your home or business. With proper installation and use, you can protect the environment and ensure a warm home for your family.